The benefits of living simply are abundant, yet living a simple life looks different for everyone. For some, simple living means paring down possessions or cutting back on social obligations. For others, it might include cutting back on technology and focusing on a healthier lifestyle by spending less time on your phone, and more time making true connections with those around you. Your version of simple living should focus on the areas of your life that inspire you and bring the most joy.

Here are 4 benefits of simple living:
1. Less stress
Living a simple life means less stress. Stress is caused by many factors – one of which is cluttered spaces. We tend to become over-stimulated from physical clutter, and piles of excess often lead to feelings of overwhelm. A big part of simple living is making your space clutter-free, organized, and functional.
Here a few helpful books below to keep your space organized and clutter free.

One / Two / Three / Four / Five / Six / Seven / Eight / Nine
2. More financial freedom
Simple living is a great way to save money. We’ve found that your mind shifts from wanting more to feeling content with what you already have. When you’re focused on what you want, you tend to overlook all that you have right in front of you. This leads to discontentment and overspending on things you don’t really need. If you have an attitude of gratefulness and contentment, spending is reduced and your mindset shifts to a place of gratitude.
3. Sustainability
Simple living and sustainability go hand in hand. When you have fewer possessions and stop buying unnecessary items, in turn, you create less waste as you’re decluttering less often. By living more sustainable, you’re more likely to spend your money on experiences and spending time with those you love!
4. Time to focus on relationships
Having fewer possessions to upkeep means more time to spend doing things you enjoy. The time you used to spend taking care of things can now be traded for a coffee date with a friend, inviting friends over for game night, or enjoying a shared meal with family.
Living a simple life looks different for everyone. We believe the benefits of simple living can have significant positive impacts on our day to day life. If you’re on a quest to simplify your life, remember to focus on the areas of your life that inspire you and bring you the most joy. Be inspired by simple living on Instagram.
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