There is pressure all around us to always buy the next new and shiny thing. And we’d be lying if we said we’ve never felt it. From influencers on Instagram to ads on television telling us we need the newest, hottest gadget, to your friends and family telling you about their new purchases. However, we’ve found that a lot of that pull you may be feeling is actually the thrill of the chase. This new thing, no matter how much you may think that you need it, is not going to bring contentment into your life. Today we’re sharing 3 ways to find contentment without adding debt.
So, what does it mean to be content?
One of the most important things to understanding simplicity and minimalism is figuring out just what contentment is and what it feels like. Increasing debt and always feeling the need to keep up with the latest trends is not contentment.
When you’re content, it means you can look around your home and into each of its rooms and feel a sense of gratitude for what’s in them. You won’t be looking at just things, but instead these things are meaningful to you or bring you real joy. These feelings are warm and long lasting. You’ll feel it each time you enter your home. Contentment reaches deep and satisfies your soul.
Contentment vs excitement
Excitement, on the other hand, will fade with time. It’s that feeling of anticipation and instant gratification. You’re excited in the moment, but that excitement fades. And unfortunately, it fades fast. Before long, the item becomes just another thing that takes up space. It may even cause some resentment because it was unnecessary debt. Before you know it, that exciting new thing is now a burden & you’re onto the next new thing to bring that excitement back into your day to day.
If you’re finding yourself nodding your head or relating to what we’re saying and want to learn how to bring contentment into your life, we’re here to let you know that it’s not all that difficult! You can follow a few simple tips to start transitioning your life and becoming content with what you have. Here are our tips:
1. Do your research on purchases
When you plan purchases, make sure that you do your research on those items. Get good quality brands with reviews that speak to the long-term benefit of it in your home. Shop around to find the best price possible. While the price tag may be higher in some cases, it will be easier to spend the money knowing it will be better quality, and last longer. Additionally, large purchases especially should be thought through. Take your time to make sure the decision is the right one & that the purpose behind it is beneficial & intentional.
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2. Be grateful for the little things
Practice positivity. Be intentional about finding joy in all of the small things in your life. Like time spent outside with your children or a beautiful sunshine-filled day. Tidy up your home and see it shine or move some of your furnishings around for a fresh new look. When you start appreciating these small things that you already have around you or available to you, happiness follows naturally. The small things matter and will be the things that you remember on those dark, cold days.
3. Remember what is most important
Those who share your home with you are critical members of your life. If you find yourself yearning for a new purchase, take a moment to remember what matters most, and the warm feeling of content is going to help you see that you don’t need anything new; that everything you need is right next to you.
These 3 ways to find contentment without adding debt will help you pave the way to being content with what you have, whatever it may be, and it’s going to all lead to that long lasting, tension-free and worthwhile feeling of contentment. Take it from us, it’s worth it!
[…] focused on what you want, you tend to overspend on things you don’t really need. If you have an attitude of gratefulness and contentment, spending is […]
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